The goog.crypt.baseN Namespace

.BASE_64 {string}

The more-known version of the BASE-64 encoding. Uses + and / characters.

.BASE_64_URL_SAFE {string}

URL-safe version of the BASE-64 encoding.

.BASE_BINARY {string}

Base-2, i.e. '01'.

.BASE_DECIMAL {string}

Base-10, i.e. '0123456789'.


Base-16 using lower case, i.e. '0123456789abcdef'.

.BASE_OCTAL {string}

Base-8, i.e. '01234567'.


Base-16 using upper case, i.e. '0123456789ABCDEF'.

.recodeString(number, inputBase, outputBase)

Converts a number from one numeric base to another. The bases are represented as strings, which list allowed digits. Each digit should be unique. The bases can either be user defined, or any of goog.crypt.baseN.BASE_xxx. The number is in human-readable format, most significant digit first, and is a non-negative integer. Base designators such as $, 0x, d, b or h (at end) will be interpreted as digits, so avoid them. Leading zeros will be trimmed. Note: for huge bases the result may be inaccurate because of overflowing 64-bit doubles used by JavaScript for integer calculus. This may happen if the product of the number of digits in the input and output bases comes close to 10^16, which is VERY unlikely (100M digits in each base), but may be possible in the future unicode world. (Unicode 3.2 has less than 100K characters. However, it reserves some more, close to 1M.)

number {string}
The number to convert.
inputBase {string}
The numeric base the number is in (all digits).
outputBase {string}
Requested numeric base.
returns {string}
The converted number.