The Class
> goog.iter.Iterator

Creates an iterator over the dates in a {@link}.

dateRange {}
The date range to iterate.


Inherited from goog.iter.Iterator .

Returns the {@code Iterator} object itself. This is used to implement the iterator protocol in JavaScript 1.7

opt_keys {boolean=}
Whether to return the keys or values. Default is to only return the values. This is being used by the for-in loop (true) and the for-each-in loop (false). Even though the param gives a hint about what the iterator will return there is no guarantee that it will return the keys when true is passed.
returns {!goog.iter.Iterator}
The object itself.


Returns the next value of the iteration. This will throw the object {@see goog.iter#StopIteration} when the iteration passes the end.

returns {*}
Any object or value.