The goog.debug.DevCss Class

goog.debug.DevCss(opt_userAgent, opt_userAgentVersion)

A class for solving development CSS issues/emulating the CSS Compiler.

opt_userAgent {goog.debug.DevCss.UserAgent=}
The user agent, if not passed in, will be determined using goog.userAgent.
opt_userAgentVersion {number|string=}
The user agent's version. If not passed in, will be determined using goog.userAgent.
{Error} When userAgent detection fails.

The goog.debug.DevCss.UserAgent Enum

A list of possible user agent strings. … more


Rewrites the CSSOM as needed to activate any useragent-specific selectors.

opt_enableIe6ReadyHandler {boolean=}
If true(the default), and the userAgent is ie6, we set a document "ready" event handler to walk the DOM and make combined selector className changes. Having this parameter also aids unit testing.