The goog.debug.FancyWindow Class

> goog.debug.DebugWindow

goog.debug.FancyWindow(opt_identifier, opt_prefix)

Provides a Fancy extension to the DebugWindow class. Allows filtering based on loggers and levels.

opt_identifier {string=}
Idenitifier for this logging class.
opt_prefix {string=}
Prefix pre-pended to messages.

.HAS_LOCAL_STORE {boolean}

Constant indicating if we are able to use localStorage to persist filters


Constant defining the prefix to use when storing log levels


Inherited from goog.debug.DebugWindow .

Adds a logger name to be filtered.

loggerName {string}
the logger name to add.


Inherited from goog.debug.DebugWindow .

Adds a log record.

logRecord {goog.debug.LogRecord}
the LogRecord.


Inherited from goog.debug.DebugWindow .

Adds a separator to the debug window.


Inherited from goog.debug.DebugWindow .

Gets the formatter for outputting to the debug window. The default formatter is an instance of goog.debug.HtmlFormatter

returns {goog.debug.Formatter}
The formatter in use.


returns {string}
The style rule text, for inclusion in the initial HTML.


Inherited from goog.debug.DebugWindow .

returns {boolean}
Whether there is an active window.


Inherited from goog.debug.DebugWindow .

Initializes the debug window.


Inherited from goog.debug.DebugWindow .

Whether we are currently capturing logger output.

returns {boolean}
whether we are currently capturing logger output.


Inherited from goog.debug.DebugWindow .

Whether the DebugWindow is enabled. When the DebugWindow is enabled, it tries to keep its window open and logs all messages to the window. When the DebugWindow is disabled, it stops logging messages to its window.

returns {boolean}
Whether the DebugWindow is enabled.


Inherited from goog.debug.DebugWindow .

Removes a logger name to be filtered.

loggerName {string}
the logger name to remove.


Inherited from goog.debug.DebugWindow .

Modify the size of the circular buffer. Allows the log to retain more information while the window is closed.

size {number}
New size of the circular buffer.


Inherited from goog.debug.DebugWindow .

Sets whether we are currently capturing logger output.

capturing {boolean}
Whether to capture logger output.


Inherited from goog.debug.DebugWindow .

Sets whether the DebugWindow is enabled. When the DebugWindow is enabled, it tries to keep its window open and log all messages to the window. When the DebugWindow is disabled, it stops logging messages to its window. The DebugWindow also saves this state to a cookie so that it's persisted across application refreshes.

enable {boolean}
Whether the DebugWindow is enabled.


Inherited from goog.debug.DebugWindow .

Sets whether the debug window should be force enabled when a severe log is encountered.

enableOnSevere {boolean}
Whether to enable on severe logs..


Inherited from goog.debug.DebugWindow .

Sets the formatter for outputting to the debug window.

formatter {goog.debug.Formatter}
The formatter to use.


Inherited from goog.debug.DebugWindow .

Sets the welcome message shown when the window is first opened or reset.

msg {string}
An HTML string.