The goog.debug.reflect Namespace


Returns the name of a type of object.

classConstructor {!Function}
A object constructor to get the name of.
returns {string|undefined}
The string name of the class.


Guesses the real type of the object, even if its {@code toString} method is overridden. Gives exact result for all goog.provided classes in non-compiled code, and some often used native classes in compiled code too. Not tested in multi-frame environment. Example use case to get better type information in the Watch tab of FireBug:

 Object.prototype.toString = function() {
   return goog.debug.reflect.typeOf(this);
obj {*}
An arbitrary variable to get the type of.
returns {string}
The namespaced type of the argument or 'Object' if didn't manage to determine it. Warning: in IE7 ActiveX (including DOM) objects don't expose their type to JavaScript. Their {@code constructor} property is undefined and they are not even the instances of the {@code Object} type. This method will recognize them as 'ActiveXObject'.