The goog.dom.pattern.Repeat Class

> goog.dom.pattern.AbstractPattern

goog.dom.pattern.Repeat(pattern, opt_minimum, opt_maximum)

Pattern object that matches a repetition of another pattern.

pattern {goog.dom.pattern.AbstractPattern}
The pattern to repetitively match.
opt_minimum {number=}
The minimum number of times to match. Defaults to 0.
opt_maximum {number=}
The maximum number of times to match. Defaults to unlimited.

.count {number}

Number of times the pattern has matched.

.matchToken(token, type)

Test whether the given token continues a repeated series of matches of the pattern given in the constructor.

token {Node}
Token to match against.
type {goog.dom.TagWalkType}
The type of token.
returns {goog.dom.pattern.MatchType}
MATCH if the pattern matches, BACKTRACK_MATCH if the pattern does not match but already had accumulated matches, MATCHING if the pattern starts a match, and NO_MATCH if the pattern does not match.
{missingProperties} See the broken line below.

.matchedNode {Node}

Inherited from goog.dom.pattern.AbstractPattern .

The first node matched by this pattern.

.matches {Array.<Node>}

The matched nodes.


Reset any internal state this pattern keeps.