The goog.editor.Field.EventType Enum


Event types that can be stopped/started.



Dispatched before the field contents are changed.


Dispatched before focus in moved into the field.


Dispach before tab is handled by the field. This is a legacy way of controlling tab behavior. Use trog.plugins.AbstractTabHandler now.


Dispatched when the field is blurred.


Dispatched when the field contents change, in FF only. Used for internal resizing, please do not use.


Dispatched when the command state of the selection may have changed. This event should be listened to for updating toolbar state.


Dispatched on a slight delay after changes are made. Use for autosave, or other times your app needs to know that the field contents changed.


Dispatched when focus is moved into the field.


Dispatched when the field is loaded and ready to use.


Dispatched when the selection changes. Use handleSelectionChange from plugin API instead of listening directly to this event.


Dispatched when the field is fully unloaded and uneditable.