The goog.gears Namespace

The goog.gears.BaseStore Class

This class implements the common store functionality … more

The goog.gears.Database Class

Class that for accessing a Gears database … more

The goog.gears.HttpRequest Namespace

… more

The goog.gears.LogStore Class

Implements a store for goog.debug.Logger data. … more

The goog.gears.LoggerClient Class

Singleton class that overrides the goog.debug.Logger to send log commands to the main thread. … more

The goog.gears.LoggerServer Class

Creates an object that listens to incoming LOG commands and forwards them to a goog.debug.Logger … more

The goog.gears.ManagedResourceStore Class

Creates a ManagedResourceStore with the specified name and update. This follows the Closure event model so the COMPLETE event will fire both for SUCCESS and for ERROR. You can use {@code isSuccess} in UPDATE to see if the capture was successful or you can just listen to the different events. This supports PROGRESS events, which are fired any time {@code filesComplete} or {@code filesTotal} changes. If the Gears version is 0.3.6 or newer this will reflect the numbers returned by the underlying Gears MRS but for older Gears versions this will just be {@code 0} or {@code 1}. NOTE: This relies on at least the 0.2 version of gears (for timer). … more

The goog.gears.ManagedResourceStoreEvent Class

Event used when a ManagedResourceStore update is complete … more

The goog.gears.MultipartFormData Class

Creates a new multipart form data builder. … more

The goog.gears.StatusType Enum

The possible status type's for Gears. … more

The goog.gears.UrlCapture Class

Class capture URLs to a ResourceStore on the LocalServer. … more

The goog.gears.Worker Class

This is an absctraction of workers that can be used with Gears WorkerPool. … more

The goog.gears.WorkerChannel Class

Creates a message channel for the given Gears worker. … more

The goog.gears.WorkerEvent Class

Event used when the worker recieves a message … more

The goog.gears.WorkerPool Class

This class implements a wrapper around the Gears Worker Pool. … more


Returns a new Gears factory object.

returns {Object}
the Gears factory object if available or null otherwise.


Whether we can create a Gears factory object. This does not cache the result.

returns {boolean}
true if we can create a Gears factory object.


Gears only allows file names up to 64 characters, so this function shortens file names to fit in this limit. #goog.string.hashCode is used to compress the name. This also removes invalid characters.

originalFileName {string}
Original (potentially unsafe) file name.
returns {string}
Safe file name. If originalFileName null or empty, return originalFileName.
{Error} If originalFileName is null, empty or contains only invalid characters.