The goog.labs.testing Namespace

The goog.labs.testing.AllOfMatcher Class

The AllOf matcher. … more

The goog.labs.testing.AnyOfMatcher Class

The AnyOf matcher. … more

The goog.labs.testing.CloseToMatcher Class

The CloseTo matcher. … more

The goog.labs.testing.ContainsStringMatcher Class

The ContainsString matcher. … more

The goog.labs.testing.EndsWithMatcher Class

The EndsWith matcher. … more


The goog.labs.testing.EqualToIgnoringWhitespaceMatcher Class

The EqualToIgnoringWhitespace matcher. … more

The goog.labs.testing.EqualToMatcher Class

The EqualTo matcher. … more

The goog.labs.testing.EqualsMatcher Class

The Equals matcher. … more

The goog.labs.testing.GreaterThanEqualToMatcher Class

The GreaterThanEqualTo matcher. … more

The goog.labs.testing.GreaterThanMatcher Class

The GreaterThan matcher. … more

The goog.labs.testing.HasEntriesMatcher Class

The HasEntries matcher. … more

The goog.labs.testing.HasEntryMatcher Class

The HasEntry matcher. … more

The goog.labs.testing.HasKeyMatcher Class

The HasKey matcher. … more

The goog.labs.testing.HasPropertyMatcher Class

The HasProperty matcher. … more

The goog.labs.testing.HasValueMatcher Class

The HasValue matcher. … more

The goog.labs.testing.InstanceOfMatcher Class

The InstanceOf matcher. … more

The goog.labs.testing.IsNotMatcher Class

The IsNot matcher. … more

The goog.labs.testing.IsNullMatcher Class

The IsNull matcher. … more

The goog.labs.testing.IsNullOrUndefinedMatcher Class

The IsNullOrUndefined matcher. … more

The goog.labs.testing.IsUndefinedMatcher Class

The IsUndefined matcher. … more

The goog.labs.testing.LessThanEqualToMatcher Class

The LessThanEqualTo matcher. … more

The goog.labs.testing.LessThanMatcher Class

The lessThan matcher. … more

The goog.labs.testing.Matcher Interface

A matcher object to be used in assertThat statements. @interface … more

The goog.labs.testing.MatcherError Class

Error thrown when a Matcher fails to match the input value. … more

The goog.labs.testing.ObjectEqualsMatcher Class

The Equals matcher. … more

The goog.labs.testing.StartsWithMatcher Class

The StartsWith matcher. … more

The goog.labs.testing.StringContainsInOrderMatcher Class

The StringContainsInOrdermatcher. … more

.assertThat(actual, matcher, opt_reason)

Asserts that the actual value evaluated by the matcher is true.

actual {*}
The object to assert by the matcher.
matcher {!goog.labs.testing.Matcher}
A matcher to verify values.
opt_reason {string=}
Description of what is asserted.