The goog.math.tdma Namespace

.solve(subDiag, mainDiag, supDiag, vecRight, opt_result)

Solves a linear system where the matrix is square tri-diagonal. That is, given a system of equations: A * result = vecRight, this class computes result = inv(A) * vecRight, where A has the special form of a tri-diagonal matrix: |dia(0) sup(0) 0 0 ... 0| |sub(0) dia(1) sup(1) 0 ... 0| A =| ... | |0 ... 0 sub(n-2) dia(n-1) sup(n-1)| |0 ... 0 0 sub(n-1) dia(n)|

subDiag {!Array.<number>}
The sub diagonal of the matrix.
mainDiag {!Array.<number>}
The main diagonal of the matrix.
supDiag {!Array.<number>}
The super diagonal of the matrix.
vecRight {!Array.<number>}
The right vector of the system of equations.
opt_result {Array.<number>=}
The optional array to store the result.
returns {!Array.<number>}
The vector that is the solution to the system.