The goog.messaging Namespace

The goog.messaging.AbstractChannel Class

Creates an abstract message channel. … more

The goog.messaging.BufferedChannel Class

Creates a new BufferedChannel, which operates like its underlying channel except that it buffers calls to send until it receives a message from its peer claiming that the peer is ready to receive. The peer is also expected to be a BufferedChannel, though this is not enforced. … more

The goog.messaging.DeferredChannel Class

Creates a new DeferredChannel, which wraps a deferred MessageChannel and enqueues messages to be sent once the wrapped channel is resolved. … more

The goog.messaging.LoggerClient Class

Creates a logger client that sends messages along a message channel for the remote end to log. The remote end of the channel should use a {goog.messaging.LoggerServer} with the same service name. … more

The goog.messaging.LoggerServer Class

Creates a logger server that logs messages on behalf of the remote end of a message channel. The remote end of the channel should use a {goog.messaging.LoggerClient} with the same service name. … more

The goog.messaging.MessageChannel Interface

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The goog.messaging.MultiChannel Class

Creates a new MultiChannel wrapping a single MessageChannel. The underlying channel shouldn't have any other listeners registered, but it should be connected. Note that the other side of the channel should also be connected to a MultiChannel with the same number of virtual channels. … more

The goog.messaging.PortCaller Class

The leaf node of a network. … more

The goog.messaging.PortChannel Class

A wrapper for several types of HTML5 message-passing entities ({@link MessagePort}s and {@link WebWorker}s). This class implements the {@link goog.messaging.MessageChannel} interface. This class can be used in conjunction with other communication on the port. It sets {@link goog.messaging.PortChannel.FLAG} to true on all messages it sends. … more

The goog.messaging.PortNetwork Interface

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The goog.messaging.PortOperator Class

The central node of a PortNetwork. … more

The goog.messaging.RespondingChannel Class

Creates a new RespondingChannel wrapping a single MessageChannel. … more

.pipe(channel1, channel2)

Creates a bidirectional pipe between two message channels.

channel1 {goog.messaging.MessageChannel}
The first channel.
channel2 {goog.messaging.MessageChannel}
The second channel.

The goog.messaging.testdata Namespace

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