The goog.module.AbstractModuleLoader Interface


An interface that loads JavaScript modules. @interface

unhandled information:


.loadModules(ids, moduleInfoMap, opt_successFn, opt_errorFn, opt_timeoutFn, opt_forceReload)

Loads a list of JavaScript modules.

ids {Array.<string>}
The module ids in dependency order.
moduleInfoMap {Object}
A mapping from module id to ModuleInfo object.
opt_successFn {function()?=}
The callback if module loading is a success.
opt_errorFn {function(?number)?=}
The callback if module loading is an error.
opt_timeoutFn {function()?=}
The callback if module loading times out.
opt_forceReload {boolean=}
Whether to bypass cache while loading the module.

.prefetchModule(id, moduleInfo)

Pre-fetches a JavaScript module.

id {string}
The module id.
moduleInfo {!goog.module.ModuleInfo}
The module info.