The Namespace

.CfgFields {Object}

Field names used on configuration object.

The Enum

… more

The Class

A communication channel between two documents from different domains. Provides asynchronous messaging. … more

The Enum

The role of the peer. … more

The Class

Frame-element method transport. Firefox allows a document within an iframe to call methods on the iframe-element added by the containing document. NOTE(user): Tested in all FF versions starting from 1.0 … more

The Class

Iframe polling transport. Uses hidden iframes to transfer data in the fragment identifier of the URL. The peer polls the iframe's location for changes. Unfortunately, in Safari this screws up the history, because Safari doesn't allow to call location.replace() on a window containing a document from a different domain (last version tested: 2.0.4). … more

The Class

Iframe relay transport. Creates hidden iframes containing a document from the peer's origin. Data is transferred in the fragment identifier. Therefore the document loaded in the iframes can be served from the browser's cache. … more

The Class

The native messaging transport Uses document.postMessage() to send messages to other documents. Receiving is done by listening on 'message'-events on the document. … more

The Class

NIX method transport. NOTE(user): NIX method tested in all IE versions starting from 6.0. … more

.SETUP {string}

Transport signaling message: setup.

.SETUP_ACK_ {string}

Transport signaling message: setup acknowledgement.


.SETUP_ACK_NTPV2 {string}

Transport signaling message: setup acknowledgement.

.SETUP_NTPV2 {string}

Transport signaling message: setup for native transport protocol v2.


The name of the transport service (used for internal signalling).


The Class

The base class for transports. … more

.TransportNames {Object}

Enum containing transport names. These need to correspond to the transport class names for createTransport_() to work.

The Enum

Enum used to identify transport types. … more

.UriCfgFields {Array}

Config properties that need to be URL sanitized.

.getRandomString(length, opt_characters)

Returns a random string.

length {number}
How many characters the string shall contain.
opt_characters {string=}
The characters used.
returns {string}
The random string.

.logger {goog.debug.Logger}

The logger.
