The Class
>, opt_storageNodeId)

Provides a storage mechanism using IE userData.

storageKey {string}
The key (store name) to store the data under.
opt_storageNodeId {string=}
The ID of the associated HTML element, one will be created if not provided.

.ENCODE_MAP {!Object}

Encoding map for characters which are not encoded by encodeURIComponent().



Returns an iterator that iterates over the elements in the storage. Will throw goog.iter.StopIteration after the last element.

opt_keys {boolean=}
True to iterate over the keys. False to iterate over the values. The default value is false.
returns {!goog.iter.Iterator}
The iterator.


Remove all key-value pairs. Could be overridden in a subclass, as the default implementation is not very efficient - it iterates over all keys.



Get the number of stored key-value pairs. Could be overridden in a subclass, as the default implementation is not very efficient - it iterates over all keys.

returns {number}
Number of stored elements.


Determines whether or not the mechanism is available.

returns {boolean}
True if the mechanism is available.

