The goog.structs.AvlTree Class


Constructs an AVL-Tree, which uses the specified comparator to order its values. The values can be accessed efficiently in their sorted order since the tree enforces a O(logn) maximum height.

opt_comparator {Function=}
Function used to order the tree's nodes.

The goog.structs.AvlTree.Node Class

Constructs an AVL-Tree node with the specified value. If no parent is specified, the node's parent is assumed to be null. The node's height defaults to 1 and its children default to null. … more


Inserts a node into the tree with the specified value if the tree does not already contain a node with the specified value. If the value is inserted, the tree is balanced to enforce the AVL-Tree height property.

value {*}
Value to insert into the tree.
returns {boolean}
Whether value was inserted into the tree.


Removes all nodes from the tree.


Returns true if the tree contains a node with the specified value, false otherwise.

value {*}
Value to find in the tree.
returns {boolean}
Whether the tree contains a node with the specified value.


Returns the number of values stored in the tree.

returns {number}
The number of values stored in the tree.


Returns the height of the tree (the maximum depth). This height should always be <= 1.4405*(Math.log(n+2)/Math.log(2))-1.3277, where n is the number of nodes in the tree.

returns {number}
The height of the tree.


Returns the value u, such that u is contained in the tree and u > v, for all values v in the tree where v != u.

returns {*}
The maximum value contained in the tree.


Returns the value u, such that u is contained in the tree and u < v, for all values v in the tree where v != u.

returns {*}
The minimum value contained in the tree.


Inserts the values stored in the tree into a new Array and returns the Array.

returns {Array}
An array containing all of the trees values in sorted order.

.inOrderTraverse(func, opt_startValue)

Performs an in-order traversal of the tree and calls {@code func} with each traversed node, optionally starting from the smallest node with a value >= to the specified start value. The traversal ends after traversing the tree's maximum node or when {@code func} returns a value that evaluates to true.

func {Function}
Function to call on each traversed node.
opt_startValue {Object=}
If specified, traversal will begin on the node with the smallest value >= opt_startValue.


Removes a node from the tree with the specified value if the tree contains a node with this value. If a node is removed the tree is balanced to enforce the AVL-Tree height property. The value of the removed node is returned.

value {*}
Value to find and remove from the tree.
returns {*}
The value of the removed node or null if the value was not in the tree.

.reverseOrderTraverse(func, opt_startValue)

Performs a reverse-order traversal of the tree and calls {@code func} with each traversed node, optionally starting from the largest node with a value <= to the specified start value. The traversal ends after traversing the tree's minimum node or when func returns a value that evaluates to true.

func {Function}
Function to call on each traversed node.
opt_startValue {Object=}
If specified, traversal will begin on the node with the largest value <= opt_startValue.