The goog.structs.CircularBuffer Class


Class for CircularBuffer.

opt_maxSize {number=}
The maximum size of the buffer.


Adds an item to the buffer. May remove the oldest item if the buffer is at max size.

item {*}
The item to add.


Empties the current buffer.


Whether the buffer contains the key/index.

key {number}
The key/index to check for.
returns {boolean}
Whether the buffer contains the key/index.


Whether the buffer contains the given value.

value {*}
The value to check for.
returns {boolean}
Whether the buffer contains the given value.


Returns the item at the specified index.

index {number}
The index of the item. The index of an item can change after calls to {@code add()} if the buffer is at maximum size.
returns {*}
The item at the specified index.


Returns the current number of items in the buffer.

returns {number}
The current number of items in the buffer.


returns {Array}
The indexes in the buffer.


Returns the last item inserted into the buffer.

returns {*}
The last item inserted into the buffer, or null if the buffer is empty.


Returns the newest values in the buffer up to {@code count}.

maxCount {number}
The maximum number of values to get. Should be a positive number.
returns {Array}
The newest values in the buffer up to {@code count}.


returns {Array}
The values in the buffer.


returns {boolean}
Whether the buffer is empty.

.set(index, item)

Sets the item at the specified index.

index {number}
The index of the item. The index of an item can change after calls to {@code add()} if the buffer is at maximum size.
item {*}
The item to add.