The goog.testing.FunctionCall Class

goog.testing.FunctionCall(func, thisContext, args, ret, error)

Struct for a single function call.

func {!Function}
The called function.
thisContext {!Object}
{@code this} context of called function.
args {!Arguments}
Arguments of the called function.
ret {*}
Return value of the function or undefined in case of error.
error {*}
The error thrown by the function or null if none.


Returns the nth argument of the called function.

index {number}
0-based index of the argument.
returns {*}
The argument value or undefined if there is no such argument.


returns {!Array}
Arguments of the called function.


returns {*}
The error thrown by the function or null if none.


returns {!Function}
The called function.


returns {*}
Return value of the function or undefined in case of error.


returns {!Object}
{@code this} context of called function. It is the same as the created object if the function is a constructor.