The goog.testing.MockControl Class


Controls a set of mocks. Controlled mocks are replayed, verified, and cleaned-up at the same time.


Calls replay on each controlled mock.


Calls reset on each controlled mock.


Calls tearDown on each controlled mock, if necesssary.


Calls verify on each controlled mock.


Takes control of this mock.

mock {goog.testing.MockInterface}
Mock to be controlled.
returns {goog.testing.MockInterface}
The same mock passed in, for convenience.

.createConstructorMock(scope, constructorName, opt_strictness)

Creates a controlled MethodMock for a constructor. Passes its arguments through to the MethodMock constructor. See {@link goog.testing.createConstructorMock} for details.

scope {Object}
The scope of the constructor to be mocked out.
constructorName {string}
The name of the function we're going to mock.
opt_strictness {number=}
One of goog.testing.Mock.LOOSE or goog.testing.Mock.STRICT. The default is STRICT.
returns {goog.testing.MockInterface}
The mocked method.

.createFunctionMock(opt_functionName, opt_strictness)

Creates a controlled FunctionMock. Passes its arguments through to the FunctionMock constructor.

opt_functionName {string=}
The optional name of the function to mock set to '[anonymous mocked function]' if not passed in.
opt_strictness {number=}
One of goog.testing.Mock.LOOSE or goog.testing.Mock.STRICT. The default is STRICT.
returns {goog.testing.MockInterface}
The mocked function.

.createGlobalFunctionMock(functionName, opt_strictness)

Creates a controlled GlobalFunctionMock. Passes its arguments through to the GlobalFunctionMock constructor.

functionName {string}
The name of the function we're going to mock.
opt_strictness {number=}
One of goog.testing.Mock.LOOSE or goog.testing.Mock.STRICT. The default is STRICT.
returns {goog.testing.MockInterface}
The mocked function.

.createLooseMock(objectToMock, opt_ignoreUnexpectedCalls, opt_mockStaticMethods, opt_createProxy)

Creates a controlled LooseMock. Passes its arguments through to the LooseMock constructor.

objectToMock {Object}
The object to mock.
opt_ignoreUnexpectedCalls {boolean=}
Whether to ignore unexpected calls.
opt_mockStaticMethods {boolean=}
An optional argument denoting that a mock should be constructed from the static functions of a class.
opt_createProxy {boolean=}
An optional argument denoting that a proxy for the target mock should be created.
returns {goog.testing.LooseMock}
The mock object.

.createMethodMock(scope, functionName, opt_strictness)

Creates a controlled MethodMock. Passes its arguments through to the MethodMock constructor.

scope {Object}
The scope of the method to be mocked out.
functionName {string}
The name of the function we're going to mock.
opt_strictness {number=}
One of goog.testing.Mock.LOOSE or goog.testing.Mock.STRICT. The default is STRICT.
returns {goog.testing.MockInterface}
The mocked method.

.createStrictMock(objectToMock, opt_mockStaticMethods, opt_createProxy)

Creates a controlled StrictMock. Passes its arguments through to the StrictMock constructor.

objectToMock {Object}
The object to mock.
opt_mockStaticMethods {boolean=}
An optional argument denoting that a mock should be constructed from the static functions of a class.
opt_createProxy {boolean=}
An optional argument denoting that a proxy for the target mock should be created.
returns {goog.testing.StrictMock}
The mock object.