The goog.testing.TestRunner Class


Construct a test runner. NOTE(user): This is currently pretty weird, I'm essentially trying to create a wrapper that the Selenium test can hook into to query the state of the running test case, while making goog.testing.TestCase general.

.errors {Array.<string>}

Errors that occurred in the window.


Executes a test case and prints the results to the window.


Returns the number of script files that were loaded in order to run the test.

returns {number}
The number of script files.


Returns a report of the test case that ran. Used by Selenium Hooks.

opt_verbose {boolean=}
If true results will include data about all tests, not just what failed.
returns {string}
A report summary of the test.


Returns the amount of time it took for the test to run. Used by Selenium Hooks.

returns {number}
The run time, in milliseconds.


Returns true if the test case runner has errors that were caught outside of the test case.

returns {boolean}
Whether there were JS errors.


Initializes the test runner.

testCase {goog.testing.TestCase}
The test case to initialize with.

.initialized {boolean}

Whether the test runner has been initialized yet.


Returns true if the test runner is finished. Used by Selenium Hooks.

returns {boolean}
Whether the test runner is active.


Returns true if the test runner is initialized. Used by Selenium Hooks.

returns {boolean}
Whether the test runner is active.


returns {boolean}
Whether the test runner should fail on an empty test case.


Returns true if the test case didn't fail. Used by Selenium Hooks.

returns {boolean}
Whether the current test returned successfully.


Logs a message to the current test case.

s {string}
The text to output to the log.


Logs an error that occurred. Used in the case of environment setting up an onerror handler.

msg {string}
Error message.


Log failure in current running test.

ex {Error}


Sets a function to use as a filter for errors.

fn {function(string)}
Filter function.


By default, the test runner is strict, and fails if it runs an empty test case.

strict {boolean}
Whether the test runner should fail on an empty test case.

.testCase {goog.testing.TestCase?}

Reference to the active test case.


Writes a nicely formatted log out to the document.

log {string}
The string to write.