The goog.tweak.BooleanGroup Class

> goog.tweak.BaseSetting
> goog.tweak.BaseEntry

goog.tweak.BooleanGroup(id, description)

A registry setting that contains a group of boolean subfield, where all entries modify the same query parameter. For example: ?foo=setting1,-setting2

id {string}
The ID for the setting.
description {string}
A description of what the setting does.


Inherited from goog.tweak.BaseEntry .

Adds a callback that should be called when the setting has changed (or when an action has been clicked).

callback {!Function}
The callback to add.


Adds the given BooleanSetting to the group.

boolEntry {goog.tweak.BooleanInGroupSetting}
The entry.


Inherited from goog.tweak.BaseEntry .

Calls all registered callbacks.


Returns the map of token->boolean settings.

returns {!Object.<!goog.tweak.BooleanSetting>}
The child settings.


Inherited from goog.tweak.BaseEntry .

returns {string}
Returns the entry's ID.


Returns the value to be used in the query parameter for this tweak.

returns {?string}
The encoded value. Null if the value is set to its default.


Inherited from goog.tweak.BaseSetting .

Returns the name of the query parameter used for this setting.

returns {?string}
The param name. Null if no query parameter is directly associated with the setting.


Inherited from goog.tweak.BaseEntry .

Returns whether a restart is required for changes to the setting to take effect.

returns {boolean}
The value.


Inherited from goog.tweak.BaseEntry .

Removes a callback that was added by addCallback.

callback {!Function}
The callback to add.


Inherited from goog.tweak.BaseSetting .

Sets the initial query parameter value for this setting. May not be called after the setting has been initialized.

value {string}
The inital query parameter value for this setting.


Inherited from goog.tweak.BaseSetting .

Sets the name of the query parameter used for this setting. If null is passed the the setting will not appear in the top-level query string.

value {?string}
The new value.


Inherited from goog.tweak.BaseEntry .

Sets whether a restart is required for changes to the setting to take effect.

value {boolean}
The new value.