The goog.window Namespace


Default height for popup windows


Default target for popup windows


Default width for popup windows

.open(linkRef, opt_options, opt_parentWin)

Opens a new window.

linkRef {string|Object}
A string or an object that supports toString, for example goog.Uri. If this is an object with a 'href' attribute, such as HTMLAnchorElement, it will be used instead.
opt_options {Object=}
supports the following options: 'target': (string) target (window name). If null, will be used. 'width': (number) window width. 'height': (number) window height. 'top': (number) distance from top of screen 'left': (number) distance from left of screen 'toolbar': (boolean) show toolbar 'scrollbars': (boolean) show scrollbars 'location': (boolean) show location 'statusbar': (boolean) show statusbar 'menubar': (boolean) show menubar 'resizable': (boolean) resizable 'noreferrer': (boolean) whether to attempt to remove the referrer header from the request headers. Does this by opening a blank window that then redirects to the target url, so users may see some flickering.
opt_parentWin {Window=}
Parent window that should be used to open the new window.
returns {Window}
Returns the window object that was opened. This returns null if a popup blocker prevented the window from being opened.

.openBlank(opt_message, opt_options, opt_parentWin)

Opens a new window without any real content in it. This can be used to get around popup blockers if you need to open a window in response to a user event, but need to do asynchronous work to determine the URL to open, and then set the URL later. Example usage: var newWin = goog.window.openBlank('Loading...'); setTimeout( function() { newWin.location.href = ''; }, 100);

opt_message {string=}
String to show in the new window. This string will be HTML-escaped to avoid XSS issues.
opt_options {Object=}
Options to open window with. {@see for exact option semantics}.
opt_parentWin {Window=}
Parent window that should be used to open the new window.
returns {Window}
Returns the window object that was opened. This returns null if a popup blocker prevented the window from being opened.

Raise a help popup window, defaulting to "Google standard" size and name. (If your project is using GXPs, consider using {@link PopUpLink.gxp}.)

linkRef {string|Object}
if this is a string, it will be used as the URL of the popped window; otherwise it's assumed to be an HTMLAnchorElement (or some other object with "target" and "href" properties).
opt_options {Object=}
Options to open window with. {@see for exact option semantics} Additional wrinkles to the options: - if 'target' field is null, will be used. If *that's* null, the default is "google_popup". - if 'width' field is not specified, the default is 690. - if 'height' field is not specified, the default is 500.
returns {boolean}
true if the window was not popped up, false if it was.