The goog.dom.browserrange.AbstractRange Class


The constructor for abstract ranges. Don't call this from subclasses.


Returns a RangeIterator over the contents of the range. Regardless of the direction of the range, the iterator will move in document order.

opt_keys {boolean=}
Unused for this iterator.
returns {goog.dom.RangeIterator}
An iterator over tags in the range.


returns {goog.dom.browserrange.AbstractRange}
A clone of this range.


Collapses the range to one of its boundary points.

toStart {boolean}
Whether to collapse to the start of the range.

.compareBrowserRangeEndpoints(range, thisEndpoint, otherEndpoint)

Compares one endpoint of this range with the endpoint of another browser native range object.

range {Range|TextRange}
The browser native range to compare against.
thisEndpoint {goog.dom.RangeEndpoint}
The endpoint of this range to compare with.
otherEndpoint {goog.dom.RangeEndpoint}
The endpoint of the other range to compare with.
returns {number}
0 if the endpoints are equal, negative if this range endpoint comes before the other range endpoint, and positive otherwise.

.containsNode(node, opt_allowPartial)

Tests if this range contains the given node.

node {Node}
The node to test.
opt_allowPartial {boolean=}
If not set or false, the node must be entirely contained in the selection for this function to return true.
returns {boolean}
Whether this range contains the given node.

.containsRange(abstractRange, opt_allowPartial)

Tests if this range contains the given range.

abstractRange {goog.dom.browserrange.AbstractRange}
The range to test.
opt_allowPartial {boolean=}
If not set or false, the range must be entirely contained in the selection for this function to return true.
returns {boolean}
Whether this range contains the given range.


Returns the browser native implementation of the range. Please refrain from using this function - if you find you need the range please add wrappers for the functionality you need rather than just using the native range.

returns {Range|TextRange}
The browser native range object.


Returns the deepest node in the tree that contains the entire range.

returns {Node}
The deepest node that contains the entire range.


Returns the node the range ends in.

returns {Node}
The element or text node the range ends in.


Returns the offset into the node the range ends in.

returns {number}
The offset into the node the range ends in. For text nodes, this is an offset into the node value. For elements, this is an offset into the childNodes array.


Returns the HTML fragment this range selects. This is slow on all browsers.

returns {string}
HTML fragment of the range, does not include context containing elements.


Returns the node the range starts in.

returns {Node}
The element or text node the range starts in.


Returns the offset into the node the range starts in.

returns {number}
The offset into the node the range starts in. For text nodes, this is an offset into the node value. For elements, this is an offset into the childNodes array.


returns {string}
The text content of the range.


Returns valid HTML for this range. This is fast on IE, and semi-fast on other browsers.

returns {string}
Valid HTML of the range, including context containing elements.

.insertNode(node, before)

Inserts a node before (or after) the range. The range may be disrupted beyond recovery because of the way this splits nodes.

node {Node}
The node to insert.
before {boolean}
True to insert before, false to insert after.
returns {Node}
The node added to the document. This may be different than the node parameter because on IE we have to clone it.


Tests if the selection is collapsed - i.e. is just a caret.

returns {boolean}
Whether the range is collapsed.


Removes the contents of the range from the document. As a side effect, the selection will be collapsed. The behavior of content removal is normalized across browsers. For instance, IE sometimes creates extra text nodes that a W3C browser does not. That behavior is corrected for.


Set this range as the selection in its window.

opt_reverse {boolean=}
Whether to select the range in reverse, if possible.


Surrounds the text range with the specified element (on Mozilla) or with a clone of the specified element (on IE). Returns a reference to the surrounding element if the operation was successful; returns null if the operation failed.

element {Element}
The element with which the selection is to be surrounded.
returns {Element}
The surrounding element (same as the argument on Mozilla, but not on IE), or null if unsuccessful.

.surroundWithNodes(startNode, endNode)

Surrounds this range with the two given nodes. The range may be disrupted beyond recovery because of the way this splits nodes.

startNode {Element}
The node to insert at the start.
endNode {Element}
The node to insert at the end.