The goog.ds Namespace

The goog.ds.AbstractFastDataNode Class

Creates a new abstract data node. … more

The goog.ds.BaseDataNode Class

Base class for data node functionality, has default implementations for many of the functions. implements {goog.ds.DataNode} … more

The goog.ds.BasicNodeList Class

Simple node list implementation with underlying array and map implements goog.ds.DataNodeList. Names that are reserved for system use and shouldn't be used for data node names: eval, toSource, toString, unwatch, valueOf, watch. Behavior is undefined if these names are used. … more

The goog.ds.DataManager Class

Create a DataManger … more

The goog.ds.DataNode Class

Interface for node in rich data tree. Names that are reserved for system use and shouldn't be used for data node names: eval, toSource, toString, unwatch, valueOf, watch. Behavior is undefined if these names are used. … more

The goog.ds.DataNodeList Class

Interface for node list in rich data tree. Has both map and list-style accessors … more

The goog.ds.EmptyNodeList Class

Immulatable empty node list … more

The goog.ds.Expr Class

Create a new expression. An expression uses a string expression language, and from this string and a passed in DataNode can evaluate to a value, DataNode, or a DataNodeList. … more

The goog.ds.FastDataNode Class

Creates a new fast data node, using the properties of root. … more

The goog.ds.FastListNode Class

Creates a new list node from an array. … more

The goog.ds.JsDataSource Class

Data source whose backing is JavaScript data Names that are reserved for system use and shouldn't be used for data node names: eval, toSource, toString, unwatch, valueOf, watch. Behavior is undefined if these names are used. … more

The goog.ds.JsPropertyDataSource Class

Data source for JavaScript properties that arent objects. Contains reference to parent object so that you can set the vaule … more

The goog.ds.JsXmlHttpDataSource Class

Similar to JsonDataSource, with using XMLHttpRequest for transport Currently requires the result be a JS object that can be evaluated and set to a variable and doesn't require strict JSON notation. … more

The goog.ds.JsonDataSource Class

Data source whose backing is a JSON-like service, in which retreiving the resource specified by URL with the additional parameter callback. The resource retreived is executable JavaScript that makes a call to the named function with a JavaScript object literal as the only parameter. Example URI could be: which might return the JS: mycb({searchresults: [{uri: '', title: 'Site About Monkeys'}]}); TODO(user): Evaluate using here. A URI of an empty string will mean that no request is made and the data source will be a data source with no child nodes … more

The goog.ds.LoadState Enum

Enum for load state of a DataNode. … more

The goog.ds.PrimitiveFastDataNode Class

Creates a new data node wrapping a primitive value. … more


The character denoting all children.


The character denoting the start of an array.


The character denoting an attribute.


The character denoting path separation.

.STR_WILDCARD {string}

The wildcard character.

The goog.ds.SortedNodeList Class

Node list implementation which maintains sort order during insertion and modification operations based on a comparison function. The SortedNodeList does not guarantee sort order will be maintained if the underlying data nodes are modified externally. Names that are reserved for system use and shouldn't be used for data node names: eval, toSource, toString, unwatch, valueOf, watch. Behavior is undefined if these names are used. … more

The goog.ds.Util Namespace

… more

The goog.ds.XmlDataSource Class

Data source whose backing is an xml node … more

The goog.ds.XmlHttpDataSource Class

Data source whose backing is an XMLHttpRequest, A URI of an empty string will mean that no request is made and the data source will be a single, empty node. … more

.logger {goog.debug.Logger}

Shared logger instance for data package