The goog.ds.BaseDataNode Class


Base class for data node functionality, has default implementations for many of the functions. implements {goog.ds.DataNode}

.getChildNode(name, opt_canCreate)

Gets a named child node of the current node

name {string}
The node name.
opt_canCreate {boolean=}
Whether you can create the child node if it doesn't exist already.
returns {goog.ds.DataNode}
The child node, or null if no node of this name exists and opt_create is false.


Gets the value of a child node

name {string}
The node name.
returns {Object}
The value of the node, or null if no value or the child node doesn't exist.


Gets all of the child nodes of the current node. Should return an empty DataNode list if no child nodes.

opt_selector {string=}
String selector to choose child nodes.
returns {goog.ds.DataNodeList}
The child nodes.


Get the name of the node relative to the parent node

returns {string}
The name of the node.


Gets the a qualified data path to this node

returns {string}
The data path.


Gets the state of the backing data for this node

returns {goog.ds.LoadState}
The state.


Load or reload the backing data for this node


Set the value of the node

value {Object}
The new value of the node.