The goog.format.EmailAddress Class

goog.format.EmailAddress(opt_address, opt_name)

Formats an email address string for display, and allows for extraction of The individual componants of the address.

opt_address {string=}
The email address.
opt_name {string=}
The name associated with the email address.


Get the email address.

returns {string}
The email address.


Get the name associated with the email address.

returns {string}
The name or personal portion of the address.


Determines is the current object is a valid email address.

returns {boolean}
Whether the email address is valid.


Checks if the provided string is a valid address spec (

str {string}
The email address to check.
returns {boolean}
Whether the provided string is a valid address spec.


Checks if the provided string is a valid email address. Supports both simple email addresses (address specs) and addresses that contain display names.

str {string}
The email address to check.
returns {boolean}
Whether the provided string is a valid address.


Parse an email address of the form "name" <address> into an email address.

addr {string}
The address string.
returns {goog.format.EmailAddress}
The parsed address.


Parse a string containing email addresses of the form "name" <address> into an array of email addresses.

str {string}
The address list.
returns {Array.<goog.format.EmailAddress>}
The parsed emails.


Set the email address.

address {string}
The email address.


Set the name associated with the email address.

name {string}
The name to associate.


Return the address in a standard format: - remove extra spaces. - Surround name with quotes if it contains special characters.

returns {string}
The cleaned address.