The goog.fx.AnimationEvent Class


goog.fx.AnimationEvent(type, anim)

Class for an animation event object.

type {string}
Event type.
anim {goog.fx.Animation}
An animation object.

.anim {goog.fx.Animation}

The animation object.

.coords {Array.<number>}

The current coordinates.


Returns the coordinates as integers (rounded to nearest integer).

returns {Array.<number>}
An array of the coordinates rounded to the nearest integer.

.defaultPrevented {boolean}

Inherited from .

Whether the default action has been prevented. This is a property to match the W3C specification at {@link}. Must be treated as read-only outside the class.

.duration {number}

The current duration.


Frames per second so far.


Inherited from .

Prevents the default action, for example a link redirecting to a url.

.progress {number}

The current progress.

.propagationStopped_ {boolean}

Inherited from .

Whether to cancel the event in internal capture/bubble processing for IE.

{underscore} Technically public, but referencing this outside this package is strongly discouraged.

.returnValue_ {boolean}

Inherited from .

Return value for in internal capture/bubble processing for IE.

{underscore} Technically public, but referencing this outside this package is strongly discouraged.

.state {number}

The state of the animation.


Inherited from .

Stops event propagation.

.x {number}

The x coordinate.

.y {number}

The y coordinate.

.z {number}

The z coordinate.