The goog.fx Namespace

The goog.fx.AbstractDragDrop Class

Abstract class that provides reusable functionality for implementing drag and drop functionality. This class also allows clients to define their own subtargeting function so that drop areas can have finer granularity then a singe element. This is accomplished by using a client provided function to map from element and coordinates to a subregion id. This class can also be made aware of scrollable containers that contain drop targets by calling addScrollableContainer. This will cause dnd to take changing scroll positions into account while a drag is occuring. … more

The goog.fx.Animation Class

Constructor for an animation object. … more

The goog.fx.AnimationEvent Class

Class for an animation event object. … more

The goog.fx.AnimationParallelQueue Class

Constructor for AnimationParallelQueue object. … more

The goog.fx.AnimationQueue Class

Constructor for AnimationQueue object. … more

The goog.fx.AnimationSerialQueue Class

Constructor for AnimationSerialQueue object. … more

The goog.fx.CssSpriteAnimation Class

This animation class is used to animate a CSS sprite (moving a background image). This moves through a series of images in a single image sprite and loops the animation when done. You should set up the {@code background-image} and size in a CSS rule for the relevant element. … more

The goog.fx.DragDrop Class

Drag/drop implementation for creating drag sources/drop targets consisting of a single HTML Element. … more

The goog.fx.DragDropEvent Class

Object representing a drag and drop event. … more

The goog.fx.DragDropGroup Class

Drag/drop implementation for creating drag sources/drop targets consisting of multiple HTML Elements (items). All items share the same drop target(s) but can be dragged individually. … more

The goog.fx.DragDropItem Class

Class representing a source or target element for drag and drop operations. … more

The goog.fx.DragEvent Class

Object representing a drag event … more

The goog.fx.DragListDirection Enum

Enum to indicate the direction that a drag list grows. … more

The goog.fx.DragListGroup Class

A class representing a group of one or more "drag lists" with items that can be dragged within them and between them. Example usage: var dragListGroup = new goog.fx.DragListGroup(); dragListGroup.setDragItemHandleHoverClass(className1, className2); dragListGroup.setDraggerElClass(className3); dragListGroup.addDragList(vertList, goog.fx.DragListDirection.DOWN); dragListGroup.addDragList(horizList, goog.fx.DragListDirection.RIGHT); dragListGroup.init(); … more

The goog.fx.DragListGroupEvent Class

The event object dispatched by DragListGroup. The fields draggerElCenter, hoverList, and hoverNextItem are only available for the BEFOREDRAGMOVE and DRAGMOVE events. … more

The goog.fx.DragScrollSupport Class

A scroll support class. Currently this class will automatically scroll a scrollable container node and scroll it by a fixed amount at a timed interval when the mouse is moved above or below the container or in vertical margin areas. Intended for use in drag and drop. This could potentially be made more general and could support horizontal scrolling. … more

The goog.fx.Dragger Class

A class that allows mouse or touch-based dragging (moving) of an element … more

The goog.fx.Transition Interface

An interface for programmatic transition. Must extend {@code}. @interface … more

The goog.fx.TransitionBase Class

Constructor for a transition object. … more

The goog.fx.anim Namespace

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The goog.fx.css3 Namespace

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The goog.fx.dom Namespace

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The goog.fx.easing Namespace

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