The goog.fx.dom Namespace

The goog.fx.dom.BgColorTransform Class

Provides a transformation of an elements background-color. Start and End should be 3D arrays representing R,G,B … more

The goog.fx.dom.ColorTransform Class

Provides a transformation of an elements color. … more

The goog.fx.dom.Fade Class

Creates an animation object that fades the opacity of an element between two limits. Start and End should be floats between 0 and 1 … more

The goog.fx.dom.FadeIn Class

Fades an element in from completely transparent to fully opacity. … more

The goog.fx.dom.FadeInAndShow Class

Sets an element's display to be visible and then fades an element in from completely transparent to fully opacity … more

The goog.fx.dom.FadeOut Class

Fades an element out from full opacity to completely transparent. … more

The goog.fx.dom.FadeOutAndHide Class

Fades an element out from full opacity to completely transparent and then sets the display to 'none' … more

The goog.fx.dom.PredefinedEffect Class

Abstract class that provides reusable functionality for predefined animations that manipulate a single DOM element … more

The goog.fx.dom.Resize Class

Creates an animation object that will resize an element between two widths and heights. Start and End should be 2 dimensional arrays … more

The goog.fx.dom.ResizeHeight Class

Creates an animation object that will resize an element between two heights Start and End should be numbers … more

The goog.fx.dom.ResizeWidth Class

Creates an animation object that will resize an element between two widths Start and End should be numbers … more

The goog.fx.dom.Scroll Class

Creates an animation object that will scroll an element from A to B. Start and End should be 2 dimensional arrays … more

The goog.fx.dom.Slide Class

Creates an animation object that will slide an element from A to B. (This in effect automatically sets up the onanimate event for an Animation object) Start and End should be 2 dimensional arrays … more

The goog.fx.dom.SlideFrom Class

Slides an element from its current position. … more

The goog.fx.dom.Swipe Class

Creates an animation object that will slide an element into its final size. Requires that the element is absolutely positioned. … more

.bgColorFadeIn(element, start, time, opt_eventHandler)

Fade elements background color from start color to the element's current background color. Start should be a 3D array representing R,G,B

element {Element}
Dom Node to be used in the animation.
start {Array.<number>}
3D Array for RGB of start color.
time {number}
Length of animation in milliseconds.
opt_eventHandler {}
Optional event handler to use when listening for events.