The goog.fx.anim Namespace

The goog.fx.anim.Animated Interface

An interface for programatically animated objects. I.e. rendered in javascript frame by frame. @interface … more

.TIMEOUT {number}

Default wait timeout for animations (in milliseconds). Only used for timed animation, which uses a timer (setTimeout) to schedule animation.



Registers an animation to be cycled on the global timer.

animation {goog.fx.anim.Animated}
The animation to register.


Registers an animation window. This allows usage of the timing control API for animations. Note that this window must be visible, as non-visible windows can potentially stop animating. This window does not necessarily need to be the window inside which animation occurs, but must remain visible. See:

animationWindow {Window}
The window in which to animate elements.


Tears down this module. Useful for testing.


Removes an animation from the list of animations which are cycled on the global timer.

animation {goog.fx.anim.Animated}
The animation to unregister.