The goog.fx.DragEvent Class


goog.fx.DragEvent(type, dragobj, clientX, clientY, browserEvent, opt_actX, opt_actY, opt_dragCanceled)

Object representing a drag event

type {string}
Event type.
dragobj {goog.fx.Dragger}
Drag object initiating event.
clientX {number}
X-coordinate relative to the viewport.
clientY {number}
Y-coordinate relative to the viewport.
browserEvent {}
The closure object representing the browser event that caused this drag event.
opt_actX {number=}
Optional actual x for drag if it has been limited.
opt_actY {number=}
Optional actual y for drag if it has been limited.
opt_dragCanceled {boolean=}
Whether the drag has been canceled.

.browserEvent {}

The closure object representing the browser event that caused this drag event.

.clientX {number}

X-coordinate relative to the viewport

.clientY {number}

Y-coordinate relative to the viewport

.defaultPrevented {boolean}

Inherited from .

Whether the default action has been prevented. This is a property to match the W3C specification at {@link}. Must be treated as read-only outside the class.

.dragCanceled {boolean}

Whether drag was canceled with this event. Used to differentiate between a legitimate drag END that can result in an action and a drag END which is a result of a drag cancelation. For now it can happen 1) with drag END event on FireFox when user drags the mouse out of the window, 2) with drag END event on IE7 which is generated on MOUSEMOVE event when user moves the mouse into the document after the mouse button has been released, 3) when TOUCHCANCEL is raised instead of TOUCHEND (on touch events).

.dragger {goog.fx.Dragger}

Reference to the drag object for this event

.left {number}

The real x-position of the drag if it has been limited


Inherited from .

Prevents the default action, for example a link redirecting to a url.

.propagationStopped_ {boolean}

Inherited from .

Whether to cancel the event in internal capture/bubble processing for IE.

{underscore} Technically public, but referencing this outside this package is strongly discouraged.

.returnValue_ {boolean}

Inherited from .

Return value for in internal capture/bubble processing for IE.

{underscore} Technically public, but referencing this outside this package is strongly discouraged.


Inherited from .

Stops event propagation.

.top {number}

The real y-position of the drag if it has been limited