The goog.labs.result.Result Interface


A Result object represents a value returned by an asynchronous operation at some point in the future (e.g. a network fetch). This is akin to a 'Promise' or a 'Future' in other languages and frameworks. @interface

unhandled information:


The goog.labs.result.Result.CancelError Class

The value to be passed to the error handlers invoked upon cancellation. … more

The goog.labs.result.Result.State Enum

The States this object can be in. … more


Cancels the current Result, invoking the canceler function, if set.

returns {boolean}
Whether the Result was canceled.


returns {*}
The error slug for this Result. Will return undefined if the Result was a success, the error slug was not set, or if the Result is pending.


returns {!goog.labs.result.Result.State}
The state of this Result.


returns {*}
The value of this Result. Will return undefined if the Result is pending or was an error.


returns {boolean}
Whether this Result was canceled.


Attaches handlers to be called when the value of this Result is available.

handler {!function(!goog.labs.result.Result)}
The function called when the value is available. The function is passed the Result object as the only argument.