The goog.math.RangeSet Class


Constructs a new RangeSet, which can store numeric ranges. Ranges are treated as half-closed: that is, they are exclusive of their end value [start, end). New ranges added to the set which overlap the values in one or more existing ranges will be merged.


Returns an iterator that iterates over the ranges in the RangeSet.

opt_keys {boolean=}
Ignored for RangeSets.
returns {!goog.iter.Iterator}
An iterator over the values in the set.


Adds a range to the set. If the new range overlaps existing values, those ranges will be merged.

a {goog.math.Range}
The range to add.


Removes all values in the set.


returns {!goog.math.RangeSet}
A new RangeSet containing the same values as this one.


Determines whether a given range is in the set. Only succeeds if the entire range is available.

a {goog.math.Range}
The query range.
returns {boolean}
Whether the entire requested range is set.


Determines whether a given value is set in the RangeSet.

value {number}
The value to test.
returns {boolean}
Whether the given value is in the set.


returns {number}
The sum of the lengths of ranges covered in the set.


Subtracts the ranges of another set from this one, returning the result as a new RangeSet.

set {!goog.math.RangeSet}
The RangeSet to subtract.
returns {!goog.math.RangeSet}
A new RangeSet containing all values in this set minus the values of the input set.

.equals(a, b)

Compares two sets for equality.

a {goog.math.RangeSet}
A range set.
b {goog.math.RangeSet}
A range set.
returns {boolean}
Whether both sets contain the same values.


returns {goog.math.Range}
The total range this set covers, ignoring any gaps between ranges.


Intersects this RangeSet with another.

set {goog.math.RangeSet}
The RangeSet to intersect with.
returns {!goog.math.RangeSet}
A new RangeSet containing all values set in both this and the input set.


Creates an inverted slice of this set over the input range.

range {goog.math.Range}
The range to copy into the slice.
returns {!goog.math.RangeSet}
A new RangeSet containing inverted values from the original over the input range.


returns {boolean}
Whether any ranges are currently in the set.


Removes a range of values from the set.

a {goog.math.Range}
The range to remove.


Creates a subset of this set over the input range.

range {goog.math.Range}
The range to copy into the slice.
returns {!goog.math.RangeSet}
A new RangeSet with a copy of the values in the input range.


returns {string}
A debug string in the form [[1, 5], [8, 9], [15, 30]].


Returns the union of this RangeSet with another.

set {goog.math.RangeSet}
Another RangeSet.
returns {!goog.math.RangeSet}
A new RangeSet containing all values from either set.