The goog.math.Size Class

goog.math.Size(width, height)

Class for representing sizes consisting of a width and height. Undefined width and height support is deprecated and results in compiler warning.

width {number}
height {number}


returns {number}
The area of the size (width * height).


returns {number}
The ratio of the size's width to its height.


Clamps the width and height parameters upward to integer values.

returns {!goog.math.Size}
This size with ceil'd components.


returns {!goog.math.Size}
A new copy of the Size.

.equals(a, b)

Compares sizes for equality.

a {goog.math.Size}
A Size.
b {goog.math.Size}
A Size.
returns {boolean}
True iff the sizes have equal widths and equal heights, or if both are null.


target {!goog.math.Size}
The target size.
returns {boolean}
True if this Size is the same size or smaller than the target size in both dimensions.


Clamps the width and height parameters downward to integer values.

returns {!goog.math.Size}
This size with floored components.


returns {number}
The longer of the two dimensions in the size.


returns {number}
The shorter of the two dimensions in the size.

.height {number}



returns {boolean}
True if the size has zero area, false if both dimensions are non-zero numbers.


returns {number}
The perimeter of the size (width + height) * 2.


Rounds the width and height parameters to integer values.

returns {!goog.math.Size}
This size with rounded components.


Scales the size uniformly by a factor.

s {number}
The scale factor.
returns {!goog.math.Size}
This Size object after scaling.


Uniformly scales the size to fit inside the dimensions of a given size. The original aspect ratio will be preserved. This function assumes that both Sizes contain strictly positive dimensions.

target {!goog.math.Size}
The target size.
returns {!goog.math.Size}
This Size object, after optional scaling.


Returns a nice string representing size.

returns {string}
In the form (50 x 73).

.width {number}
