The Namespace


The default length of time, in milliseconds, we are prepared to wait for a load request to complete.

The Class

A jsloader error. … more

The Enum

Possible error codes for jsloader. … more


Optional parameters for timeout: The length of time, in milliseconds, we are prepared to wait for a load request to complete. Default it 5 seconds. document: The HTML document under which to load the JavaScript. Default is the current document. cleanupWhenDone: If true clean up the script tag after script completes to load. This is important if you just want to read data from the JavaScript and then throw it away. Default is false.

{{ timeout: (number|undefined), document: (HTMLDocument|undefined), cleanupWhenDone: (boolean|undefined) }}

.load(uri, opt_options)

Loads and evaluates a JavaScript file. When the script loads, a user callback is called. It is the client's responsibility to verify that the script ran successfully.

uri {string}
The URI of the JavaScript.
opt_options {}
Optional parameters. See documentation for details.
returns {!goog.async.Deferred}
The deferred result, that may be used to add callbacks and/or cancel the transmission. The error callback will be called with a single parameter.

.loadAndVerify(uri, verificationObjName, options)

Loads a JavaScript file and verifies it was evaluated successfully, using a verification object. The verification object is set by the loaded JavaScript at the end of the script. We verify this object was set and return its value in the success callback. If the object is not defined we trigger an error callback.

uri {string}
The URI of the JavaScript.
verificationObjName {string}
The name of the verification object that the loaded script should set.
options {}
Optional parameters. See documentation for details.
returns {!goog.async.Deferred}
The deferred result, that may be used to add callbacks and/or cancel the transmission. The success callback will be called with a single parameter containing the value of the verification object. The error callback will be called with a single parameter.

.loadMany(uris, opt_options)

Loads and evaluates the JavaScript files at the specified URIs, guaranteeing the order of script loads. Because we have to load the scripts in serial (load script 1, exec script 1, load script 2, exec script 2, and so on), this will be slower than doing the network fetches in parallel. If you need to load a large number of scripts but dependency order doesn't matter, you should just call N times. If you need to load a large number of scripts on the same domain, you may want to use goog.module.ModuleLoader.

uris {Array.<string>}
The URIs to load.
opt_options {}
Optional parameters. See documentation for details.