The goog.positioning.AnchoredPosition Class

> goog.positioning.AbstractPosition

goog.positioning.AnchoredPosition(anchorElement, corner, opt_overflow)

Encapsulates a popup position where the popup is anchored at a corner of an element. When using AnchoredPosition, it is recommended that the popup element specified in the Popup constructor or Popup.setElement be absolutely positioned.

anchorElement {Element}
Element the movable element should be anchored against.
corner {goog.positioning.Corner}
Corner of anchored element the movable element should be positioned at.
opt_overflow {number=}
Overflow handling mode. Defaults to IGNORE if not specified. Bitmap, {@see goog.positioning.Overflow}.

.corner {goog.positioning.Corner}

Corner of anchored element the movable element should be positioned at.

.element {Element}

Element the movable element should be anchored against.

.reposition(movableElement, movableCorner, opt_margin, opt_preferredSize)

Repositions the movable element.

movableElement {Element}
Element to position.
movableCorner {goog.positioning.Corner}
Corner of the movable element that should be positioned adjacent to the anchored element.
opt_margin {goog.math.Box=}
A margin specifin pixels.
opt_preferredSize {goog.math.Size=}
PreferredSize of the movableElement (unused in this class).