The goog.structs.Trie Class


Class for a Trie datastructure. Trie data structures are made out of trees of Trie classes.

opt_trie {Object=}
Optional goog.structs.Trie or Object to initialize trie with.

.add(key, value)

Adds the given key/value pair in the trie. Throw an exception if the key already exists in the trie. O(L), where L is the length of the key.

key {string}
The key.
value {*}
The value.


Completely empties a trie of all keys and values. ~O(1)


Clones a trie and returns a new trie. O(N), where N is the number of nodes in the trie.

returns {goog.structs.Trie}
A new goog.structs.Trie with the same key value pairs.


Checks to see if a certain key is in the trie. O(L), where L is the length of the key.

key {string}
A key that may be in the trie.
returns {boolean}
Whether the trie contains key.


Checks to see if a certain value is in the trie. Worst case is O(N) where N is the number of nodes in the trie.

value {*}
A value that may be in the trie.
returns {boolean}
Whether the trie contains the value.


Retrieves a value from the trie given a key. O(L), where L is the length of the key.

key {string}
The key to retrieve from the trie.
returns {*}
The value of the key in the trie, or undefined if the trie does not contain this key.


Returns the number of key value pairs in the trie. O(N), where N is the number of nodes in the trie. TODO: This could be optimized by storing a weight (count below) in every node.

returns {number}
The number of pairs.

.getKeyAndPrefixes(key, opt_keyStartIndex)

Retrieves all values from the trie that correspond to prefixes of the given input key. O(L), where L is the length of the key.

key {string}
The key to use for lookup. The given key as well as all prefixes of the key are retrieved.
opt_keyStartIndex {?number=}
Optional position in key to start lookup from. Defaults to 0 if not specified.
returns {Object}
Map of end index of matching prefixes and corresponding values. Empty if no match found.


Gets the keys of the trie. Not returned in any reliable order. O(N) where N is the number of nodes in the trie (or prefix subtree).

opt_prefix {string=}
Find only keys with this optional prefix.
returns {Array}
The keys in the trie.


Gets the values of the trie. Not returned in any reliable order. O(N) where N is the number of nodes in the trie. Calls getValuesInternal_.

returns {Array}
The values in the trie.


Returns true if this trie contains no elements. ~O(1).

returns {boolean}
True iff this trie contains no elements.


Removes a key from the trie or throws an exception if the key is not in the trie. O(L), where L is the length of the key.

key {string}
A key that should be removed from the trie.
returns {*}
The value whose key was removed.

.set(key, value)

Sets the given key/value pair in the trie. O(L), where L is the length of the key.

key {string}
The key.
value {*}
The value.


Adds multiple key/value pairs from another goog.structs.Trie or Object. O(N) where N is the number of nodes in the trie.

trie {Object|goog.structs.Trie}
Object containing the data to add.