The goog.testing.PerformanceTimer.Task Class


A task for the performance timer to measure. Callers can specify optional setUp and tearDown methods to control state before and after each run of the test function.

test {function()}
Test function whose performance is to be measured.


returns {function()}
The set up function or null if none was specified.


returns {function()}
The tear down function or null if none was specified.


returns {function()}
The test function to time.


Specifies a set up function to be invoked before each invocation of the test function.

setUp {function()}
The set up function.
returns {goog.testing.PerformanceTimer.Task}
This task.


Specifies a tear down function to be invoked after each invocation of the test function.

tearDown {function()}
The tear down function.
returns {goog.testing.PerformanceTimer.Task}
This task.