The goog.ui.TabPane.TabPage Class

goog.ui.TabPane.TabPage(opt_el, opt_title, opt_domHelper)

Object representing an individual tab pane.

opt_el {Element=}
Container element to create the pane out of.
opt_title {(Element|string)=}
Pane title or element to use as the title. If not specified the first element in the container is used as the title.
opt_domHelper {goog.dom.DomHelper=}
Optional DOM helper The first parameter can be omitted.


returns {Element}
The content element.


returns {?number}
The index of page in tab pane.


returns {goog.ui.TabPane?}
The parent tab pane for page.


returns {string}
The title for tab page.


returns {Element}
The title element.


Returns if the page is enabled.

returns {boolean}
Whether the page is enabled or not.


Selects page in the associated tab pane.


Sets the enabled state.

enabled {boolean}
Enabled state.


Sets title for tab page.

title {string}
Title for tab page.