The goog.ui Namespace

The goog.ui.AbstractSpellChecker Class

Abstract base class for spell checker editor implementations. Provides basic functionality such as word lookup and caching. … more

The goog.ui.ActivityMonitor Class

Once initialized with a document, the activity monitor can be queried for the current idle time. … more

The goog.ui.AdvancedTooltip Class

Advanced tooltip widget with cursor tracking abilities. Works like a regular tooltip but can track the cursor position and direction to determine if the tooltip should be dismissed or remain open. … more

The goog.ui.AnimatedZippy Class

Zippy widget. Expandable/collapsible container, clicking the header toggles the visibility of the content. … more

The goog.ui.AttachableMenu Class

Deprecated. Use goog.ui.PopupMenu.

An implementation of a menu that can attach itself to DOM element that are annotated appropriately. The following attributes are used by the AttachableMenu menu-item - Should be set on DOM elements that function as items in the menu that can be selected. classNameSelected - A class that will be added to the element's class names when the item is selected via keyboard or mouse. … more

The goog.ui.AutoComplete Class

Deprecated. Use {@link} instead.

This is a stub for backward compatibility. For actual documentation, please see {@link}. … more

The goog.ui.BaseRoundedPanel Class

Base class for the hierarchy of RoundedPanel classes. Do not instantiate directly. Instead, call goog.ui.RoundedPanel.create(). The HTML structure for the RoundedPanel is:

- div (Contains the background and content. Class name: goog-roundedpanel)
  - div (Contains the background/rounded corners. Class name:
  - div (Contains the content. Class name: goog-roundedpanel-content)
… more

The goog.ui.BidiInput Class

Default implementation of BidiInput. … more

The goog.ui.Bubble Class

The Bubble provides a general purpose bubble implementation that can be anchored to a particular element and displayed for a period of time. … more

The goog.ui.Button Class

A button control, rendered as a native browser button by default. … more

The goog.ui.ButtonRenderer Class

Default renderer for {@link goog.ui.Button}s. Extends the superclass with the following button-specific API methods:

For alternate renderers, see {@link goog.ui.NativeButtonRenderer}, {@link goog.ui.CustomButtonRenderer}, and {@link goog.ui.FlatButtonRenderer}. … more

The goog.ui.ButtonSide Enum

Constants for button sides, see {@link goog.ui.Button.prototype.setCollapsed} for details. … more

The goog.ui.CharCounter Class

CharCounter widget. Counts the number of characters in a input field or a text box and displays the number of additional characters that may be entered before the maximum length is reached. … more

The goog.ui.CharPicker Class

Character Picker Class. This widget can be used to pick any Unicode character by traversing a category-subcategory structure or by inputing its hex value. See charpicker.html demo for example usage. … more

The goog.ui.CheckBoxMenuItem Class

Class representing a checkbox menu item. This is just a convenience class that extends {@link goog.ui.MenuItem} by making it checkable. … more

The goog.ui.Checkbox Class

3-state checkbox widget. Fires CHECK or UNCHECK events before toggled and CHANGE event after toggled by user. The checkbox can also be enabled/disabled and get focused and highlighted. … more

The goog.ui.CheckboxRenderer Class

Default renderer for {@link goog.ui.Checkbox}s. Extends the superclass to support checkbox states: … more

The goog.ui.ColorButton Class

A color button control. Identical to {@link goog.ui.Button}, except it defaults its renderer to {@link goog.ui.ColorButtonRenderer}. This button displays a particular color and is clickable. It is primarily useful with {@link goog.ui.ColorSplitBehavior} to cache the last selected color. … more

The goog.ui.ColorButtonRenderer Class

Renderer for {@link goog.ui.ColorButton}s. Uses {@link goog.ui.ColorMenuButton}s but disables the dropdown. … more

The goog.ui.ColorMenuButton Class

A color menu button control. Extends {@link goog.ui.MenuButton} by adding an API for getting and setting the currently selected color from a menu of color palettes. … more

The goog.ui.ColorMenuButtonRenderer Class

Renderer for {@link goog.ui.ColorMenuButton}s. … more

The goog.ui.ColorPalette Class

A color palette is a grid of color swatches that the user can highlight or select via the keyboard or the mouse. The selection state of the palette is controlled by a selection model. When the user makes a selection, the component fires an ACTION event. Event listeners may retrieve the selected color using the {@link #getSelectedColor} method. … more

The goog.ui.ColorPicker Class

Create a new, empty color picker. … more

The goog.ui.ColorSplitBehavior Class

Constructs a ColorSplitBehavior for combining a color button and a menu. To use this, provide a goog.ui.ColorButton which will be attached with a goog.ui.ColorMenuButton (with no caption). Whenever a color is selected from the ColorMenuButton, it will be placed in the ColorButton and the user can apply it over and over (by clicking the ColorButton). Primary use case - setting the color of text/background in a text editor. … more

The goog.ui.ComboBox Class

A ComboBox control. … more

The goog.ui.ComboBoxItem Class

Class for combo box items. … more

The goog.ui.Component Class

Default implementation of UI component. … more

The goog.ui.Container Class

Base class for containers. Extends {@link goog.ui.Component} by adding the following:

… more

The goog.ui.ContainerRenderer Class

Default renderer for {@link goog.ui.Container}. Can be used as-is, but subclasses of Container will probably want to use renderers specifically tailored for them by extending this class. … more

The goog.ui.ContainerScroller Class

Plug-on scrolling behavior for a container. Use this to style containers, such as pop-up menus, to be scrolling, and automatically keep the highlighted element visible. To use this, first style your container with the desired overflow properties and height to achieve vertical scrolling. Also, the scrolling div should have no vertical padding, for two reasons: it is difficult to compensate for, and is generally not what you want due to the strange way CSS handles padding on the scrolling dimension. The container must already be rendered before this may be constructed. … more

The goog.ui.Control Class

Base class for UI controls. Extends {@link goog.ui.Component} by adding the following:

This class has sufficient built-in functionality for most simple UI controls. All controls dispatch SHOW, HIDE, ENTER, LEAVE, and ACTION events on show, hide, mouseover, mouseout, and user action, respectively. Additional states are also supported. See closure/demos/control.html for example usage. … more


Type declaration for text caption or DOM structure to be used as the content of {@link goog.ui.Control}s.


The goog.ui.ControlRenderer Class

Default renderer for {@link goog.ui.Control}s. Can be used as-is, but subclasses of Control will probably want to use renderers specifically tailored for them by extending this class. Controls that use renderers delegate one or more of the following API methods to the renderer:

Controls are stateful; renderers, on the other hand, should be stateless and reusable. … more

The goog.ui.CookieEditor Class

Displays and edits the value of a cookie. … more

The goog.ui.Css3ButtonRenderer Class

Custom renderer for {@link goog.ui.Button}s. Css3 buttons can contain almost arbitrary HTML content, will flow like inline elements, but can be styled like block-level elements. … more

The goog.ui.Css3MenuButtonRenderer Class

Custom renderer for {@link goog.ui.MenuButton}s. Css3 buttons can contain almost arbitrary HTML content, will flow like inline elements, but can be styled like block-level elements. … more

The goog.ui.CssRoundedPanel Class

RoundedPanel class specifically for browsers that support CSS attributes for elements with rounded borders (ex. Safari 3.0+, Firefox 3.0+). Do not instantiate directly. Instead, call goog.ui.RoundedPanel.create(). … more

The goog.ui.CustomButton Class

A custom button control. Identical to {@link goog.ui.Button}, except it defaults its renderer to {@link goog.ui.CustomButtonRenderer}. One could just as easily pass {@code goog.ui.CustomButtonRenderer.getInstance()} to the {@link goog.ui.Button} constructor and get the same result. Provided for convenience. … more

The goog.ui.CustomButtonRenderer Class

Custom renderer for {@link goog.ui.Button}s. Custom buttons can contain almost arbitrary HTML content, will flow like inline elements, but can be styled like block-level elements. … more

The goog.ui.CustomColorPalette Class

A custom color palette is a grid of color swatches and a button that allows the user to add additional colors to the palette … more

The goog.ui.DatePicker Class

DatePicker widget. Allows a single date to be selected from a calendar like view. … more

The goog.ui.DatePickerEvent Class

Object representing a date picker event. … more

The goog.ui.Dialog Class

Class for showing simple dialog boxes. The Html structure of the dialog box is:

 Element         Function                Class-name, modal-dialog = default
- iframe         Iframe mask              modal-dialog-bg
- div            Background mask          modal-dialog-bg
- div            Dialog area              modal-dialog
    - div        Title bar                modal-dialog-title
       - span                             modal-dialog-title-text
         - text  Title text               N/A
       - span                             modal-dialog-title-close
         - ??    Close box                N/A
    - div        Content area             modal-dialog-content
       - ??      User specified content   N/A
    - div        Button area              modal-dialog-buttons
       - button                           N/A
       - button
       - ...
… more

The goog.ui.DimensionPicker Class

A dimension picker allows the user to visually select a row and column count using their mouse and keyboard. The currently selected dimension is controlled by an ACTION event. Event listeners may retrieve the selected item using the {@link #getValue} method. … more

The goog.ui.DimensionPickerRenderer Class

Default renderer for {@link goog.ui.DimensionPicker}s. Renders the palette as two divs, one with the un-highlighted background, and one with the highlighted background. … more

The goog.ui.DragDropDetector Class

Creates a new drag and drop detector. … more

The goog.ui.DrilldownRow Class

Builds a DrilldownRow component, which can overlay a tree structure onto sections of an HTML table. … more

The goog.ui.FilterObservingMenuItem Class

Class representing a filter observing menu item. … more

The goog.ui.FilterObservingMenuItemRenderer Class

Default renderer for {@link goog.ui.FilterObservingMenuItem}s. Each item has the following structure:

… more

The goog.ui.FilteredMenu Class

Filtered menu class. … more

The goog.ui.FlatButtonRenderer Class

Flat renderer for {@link goog.ui.Button}s. Flat buttons can contain almost arbitrary HTML content, will flow like inline elements, but can be styled like block-level elements. … more

The goog.ui.FlatMenuButtonRenderer Class

Flat Menu Button renderer. Creates a simpler version of {@link goog.ui.MenuButton} that doesn't look like a button and doesn't have rounded corners. Uses just a

and looks more like a traditional