The goog.ui.editor Namespace

The goog.ui.editor.AbstractDialog Class

Creates an object that represents a dialog box. … more

The goog.ui.editor.Bubble Class

Property bubble UI element. … more


{{command: string, tooltip: ?string, caption: ?goog.ui.ControlContent, classes: ?string, factory: ?function(string, string, goog.ui.ControlContent, ?string, goog.ui.ButtonRenderer, goog.dom.DomHelper):goog.ui.Button, queryable:?boolean}}

The goog.ui.editor.DefaultToolbar Namespace

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The goog.ui.editor.EquationEditorDialog Class

Equation editor dialog (based on goog.ui.editor.AbstractDialog). … more

The goog.ui.editor.EquationEditorOkEvent Class

OK event object for the equation editor dialog. … more

The goog.ui.editor.LinkDialog Class

A type of goog.ui.editor.AbstractDialog for editing/creating a link. … more

The goog.ui.editor.TabPane Class

Creates a new Editor-style tab pane. … more

The goog.ui.editor.ToolbarController Class

A class for managing the editor toolbar. Acts as a bridge between a {@link goog.editor.Field} and a {@link goog.ui.Toolbar}. The {@code toolbar} argument must be an instance of {@link goog.ui.Toolbar} or a subclass. This class doesn't care how the toolbar was created. As long as one or more controls hosted in the toolbar have IDs that match built-in {@link goog.editor.Command}s, they will function as expected. It is the caller's responsibility to ensure that the toolbar is already rendered or that it decorates an existing element. … more

The goog.ui.editor.ToolbarFactory Namespace

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The goog.ui.editor.messages Namespace

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