The proto2.TestAllTypes Class

> goog.proto2.Message


Message TestAllTypes.

The proto2.TestAllTypes.NestedEnum Enum

Enumeration NestedEnum. … more

The proto2.TestAllTypes.NestedMessage Class

Message NestedMessage. … more

The proto2.TestAllTypes.OptionalGroup Class

Message OptionalGroup. … more

The proto2.TestAllTypes.RepeatedGroup Class

Message RepeatedGroup. … more

.add(field, value)

Inherited from goog.proto2.Message .

Adds the given value to the field specified by the given field descriptor. Note that the field must be repeated.

field {goog.proto2.FieldDescriptor}
The field in which to add the the value.
value {*}
The new value to add to the field.


Adds a value to the repeated_bool field.

value {boolean}
The value to add.


Adds a value to the repeated_bytes field.

value {string}
The value to add.


Adds a value to the repeated_double field.

value {number}
The value to add.


Adds a value to the repeated_fixed32 field.

value {number}
The value to add.


Adds a value to the repeated_fixed64 field.

value {string}
The value to add.


Adds a value to the repeated_float field.

value {number}
The value to add.


Adds a value to the repeated_int32 field.

value {number}
The value to add.


Adds a value to the repeated_int64 field.

value {string}
The value to add.


Adds a value to the repeated_int64_number field.

value {number}
The value to add.


Adds a value to the repeated_int64_string field.

value {string}
The value to add.


Adds a value to the repeated_nested_enum field.

value {proto2.TestAllTypes.NestedEnum}
The value to add.


Adds a value to the repeated_nested_message field.

value {!proto2.TestAllTypes.NestedMessage}
The value to add.


Adds a value to the repeated_sfixed32 field.

value {number}
The value to add.


Adds a value to the repeated_sfixed64 field.

value {string}
The value to add.


Adds a value to the repeated_sint32 field.

value {number}
The value to add.


Adds a value to the repeated_sint64 field.

value {string}
The value to add.


Adds a value to the repeated_string field.

value {string}
The value to add.


Adds a value to the repeated_uint32 field.

value {number}
The value to add.


Adds a value to the repeated_uint64 field.

value {string}
The value to add.


Adds a value to the repeatedgroup field.

value {!proto2.TestAllTypes.RepeatedGroup}
The value to add.


Inherited from goog.proto2.Message .

Returns the array of values found for the given repeated field.

field {goog.proto2.FieldDescriptor}
The field for which to return the values.
returns {!Array}
The values found.


Inherited from goog.proto2.Message .

Clears the field specified.

field {goog.proto2.FieldDescriptor}
The field to clear.


Clears the values in the optional_bool field.


Clears the values in the optional_bytes field.


Clears the values in the optional_double field.


Clears the values in the optional_fixed32 field.


Clears the values in the optional_fixed64 field.


Clears the values in the optional_float field.


Clears the values in the optional_int32 field.


Clears the values in the optional_int64 field.


Clears the values in the optional_int64_number field.


Clears the values in the optional_int64_string field.


Clears the values in the optional_nested_enum field.


Clears the values in the optional_nested_message field.


Clears the values in the optional_sfixed32 field.


Clears the values in the optional_sfixed64 field.


Clears the values in the optional_sint32 field.


Clears the values in the optional_sint64 field.


Clears the values in the optional_string field.


Clears the values in the optional_uint32 field.


Clears the values in the optional_uint64 field.


Clears the values in the optionalgroup field.


Clears the values in the repeated_bool field.


Clears the values in the repeated_bytes field.


Clears the values in the repeated_double field.


Clears the values in the repeated_fixed32 field.


Clears the values in the repeated_fixed64 field.


Clears the values in the repeated_float field.


Clears the values in the repeated_int32 field.


Clears the values in the repeated_int64 field.


Clears the values in the repeated_int64_number field.


Clears the values in the repeated_int64_string field.


Clears the values in the repeated_nested_enum field.


Clears the values in the repeated_nested_message field.


Clears the values in the repeated_sfixed32 field.


Clears the values in the repeated_sfixed64 field.


Clears the values in the repeated_sint32 field.


Clears the values in the repeated_sint64 field.


Clears the values in the repeated_string field.


Clears the values in the repeated_uint32 field.


Clears the values in the repeated_uint64 field.


Clears the values in the repeatedgroup field.


Overrides {@link goog.proto2.Message#clone} to specify its exact return type.

returns {!proto2.TestAllTypes}
The cloned message.


Inherited from goog.proto2.Message .

Recursively copies the known fields from the given message to this message. Removes the fields which are not present in the source message.

message {!goog.proto2.Message}
The source message.


Inherited from goog.proto2.Message .

Returns the number of values stored in the given field.

field {goog.proto2.FieldDescriptor}
The field for which to count the number of values.
returns {number}
The count of the values in the given field.


Inherited from goog.proto2.Message .

Compares this message with another one ignoring the unknown fields.

other {*}
The other message.
returns {boolean}
Whether they are equal. Returns false if the {@code other} argument is a different type of message or not a message.

.forEachUnknown(callback, opt_scope)

Inherited from goog.proto2.Message .

Iterates over all the unknown fields in the message.

callback {function(number, *)}
A callback method which gets invoked for each unknown field.
opt_scope {Object=}
The scope under which to execute the callback. If not given, the current message will be used.

.get(field, opt_index)

Inherited from goog.proto2.Message .

Returns the value stored at the field specified by the given field descriptor.

field {goog.proto2.FieldDescriptor}
The field for which to get the value.
opt_index {number=}
If the field is repeated, the index to use when looking up the value.
returns {*}
The value found or null if none.


Inherited from goog.proto2.Message .

Returns the descriptor which describes the current message.

returns {goog.proto2.Descriptor}
The descriptor.


Gets the value of the optional_bool field.

returns {?boolean}
The value.


Gets the value of the optional_bool field or the default value if not set.

returns {boolean}
The value.


Gets the value of the optional_bytes field.

returns {?string}
The value.


Gets the value of the optional_bytes field or the default value if not set.

returns {string}
The value.


Gets the value of the optional_double field.

returns {?number}
The value.


Gets the value of the optional_double field or the default value if not set.

returns {number}
The value.


Gets the value of the optional_fixed32 field.

returns {?number}
The value.


Gets the value of the optional_fixed32 field or the default value if not set.

returns {number}
The value.


Gets the value of the optional_fixed64 field.

returns {?string}
The value.


Gets the value of the optional_fixed64 field or the default value if not set.

returns {string}
The value.


Gets the value of the optional_float field.

returns {?number}
The value.


Gets the value of the optional_float field or the default value if not set.

returns {number}
The value.


Gets the value of the optional_int32 field.

returns {?number}
The value.


Gets the value of the optional_int32 field or the default value if not set.

returns {number}
The value.


Gets the value of the optional_int64 field.

returns {?string}
The value.


Gets the value of the optional_int64_number field.

returns {?number}
The value.


Gets the value of the optional_int64_number field or the default value if not set.

returns {number}
The value.


Gets the value of the optional_int64 field or the default value if not set.

returns {string}
The value.


Gets the value of the optional_int64_string field.

returns {?string}
The value.


Gets the value of the optional_int64_string field or the default value if not set.

returns {string}
The value.


Gets the value of the optional_nested_enum field.

returns {?proto2.TestAllTypes.NestedEnum}
The value.


Gets the value of the optional_nested_enum field or the default value if not set.

returns {proto2.TestAllTypes.NestedEnum}
The value.


Gets the value of the optional_nested_message field.

returns {proto2.TestAllTypes.NestedMessage}
The value.


Gets the value of the optional_nested_message field or the default value if not set.

returns {!proto2.TestAllTypes.NestedMessage}
The value.


Gets the value of the optional_sfixed32 field.

returns {?number}
The value.


Gets the value of the optional_sfixed32 field or the default value if not set.

returns {number}
The value.


Gets the value of the optional_sfixed64 field.

returns {?string}
The value.


Gets the value of the optional_sfixed64 field or the default value if not set.

returns {string}
The value.


Gets the value of the optional_sint32 field.

returns {?number}
The value.


Gets the value of the optional_sint32 field or the default value if not set.

returns {number}
The value.


Gets the value of the optional_sint64 field.

returns {?string}
The value.


Gets the value of the optional_sint64 field or the default value if not set.

returns {string}
The value.


Gets the value of the optional_string field.

returns {?string}
The value.


Gets the value of the optional_string field or the default value if not set.

returns {string}
The value.


Gets the value of the optional_uint32 field.

returns {?number}
The value.


Gets the value of the optional_uint32 field or the default value if not set.

returns {number}
The value.


Gets the value of the optional_uint64 field.

returns {?string}
The value.


Gets the value of the optional_uint64 field or the default value if not set.

returns {string}
The value.


Gets the value of the optionalgroup field.

returns {proto2.TestAllTypes.OptionalGroup}
The value.


Gets the value of the optionalgroup field or the default value if not set.

returns {!proto2.TestAllTypes.OptionalGroup}
The value.

.getOrDefault(field, opt_index)

Inherited from goog.proto2.Message .

Returns the value stored at the field specified by the given field descriptor or the default value if none exists.

field {goog.proto2.FieldDescriptor}
The field for which to get the value.
opt_index {number=}
If the field is repeated, the index to use when looking up the value.
returns {*}
The value found or the default if none.


Gets the value of the repeated_bool field at the index given.

index {number}
The index to lookup.
returns {?boolean}
The value.


Gets the value of the repeated_bool field at the index given or the default value if not set.

index {number}
The index to lookup.
returns {boolean}
The value.


Gets the value of the repeated_bytes field at the index given.

index {number}
The index to lookup.
returns {?string}
The value.


Gets the value of the repeated_bytes field at the index given or the default value if not set.

index {number}
The index to lookup.
returns {string}
The value.


Gets the value of the repeated_double field at the index given.

index {number}
The index to lookup.
returns {?number}
The value.


Gets the value of the repeated_double field at the index given or the default value if not set.

index {number}
The index to lookup.
returns {number}
The value.


Gets the value of the repeated_fixed32 field at the index given.

index {number}
The index to lookup.
returns {?number}
The value.


Gets the value of the repeated_fixed32 field at the index given or the default value if not set.

index {number}
The index to lookup.
returns {number}
The value.


Gets the value of the repeated_fixed64 field at the index given.

index {number}
The index to lookup.
returns {?string}
The value.


Gets the value of the repeated_fixed64 field at the index given or the default value if not set.

index {number}
The index to lookup.
returns {string}
The value.


Gets the value of the repeated_float field at the index given.

index {number}
The index to lookup.
returns {?number}
The value.


Gets the value of the repeated_float field at the index given or the default value if not set.

index {number}
The index to lookup.
returns {number}
The value.


Gets the value of the repeated_int32 field at the index given.

index {number}
The index to lookup.
returns {?number}
The value.


Gets the value of the repeated_int32 field at the index given or the default value if not set.

index {number}
The index to lookup.
returns {number}
The value.


Gets the value of the repeated_int64 field at the index given.

index {number}
The index to lookup.
returns {?string}
The value.


Gets the value of the repeated_int64_number field at the index given.

index {number}
The index to lookup.
returns {?number}
The value.


Gets the value of the repeated_int64_number field at the index given or the default value if not set.

index {number}
The index to lookup.
returns {number}
The value.


Gets the value of the repeated_int64 field at the index given or the default value if not set.

index {number}
The index to lookup.
returns {string}
The value.


Gets the value of the repeated_int64_string field at the index given.

index {number}
The index to lookup.
returns {?string}
The value.


Gets the value of the repeated_int64_string field at the index given or the default value if not set.

index {number}
The index to lookup.
returns {string}
The value.


Gets the value of the repeated_nested_enum field at the index given.

index {number}
The index to lookup.
returns {?proto2.TestAllTypes.NestedEnum}
The value.


Gets the value of the repeated_nested_enum field at the index given or the default value if not set.

index {number}
The index to lookup.
returns {proto2.TestAllTypes.NestedEnum}
The value.


Gets the value of the repeated_nested_message field at the index given.

index {number}
The index to lookup.
returns {proto2.TestAllTypes.NestedMessage}
The value.


Gets the value of the repeated_nested_message field at the index given or the default value if not set.

index {number}
The index to lookup.
returns {!proto2.TestAllTypes.NestedMessage}
The value.


Gets the value of the repeated_sfixed32 field at the index given.

index {number}
The index to lookup.
returns {?number}
The value.


Gets the value of the repeated_sfixed32 field at the index given or the default value if not set.

index {number}
The index to lookup.
returns {number}
The value.


Gets the value of the repeated_sfixed64 field at the index given.

index {number}
The index to lookup.
returns {?string}
The value.


Gets the value of the repeated_sfixed64 field at the index given or the default value if not set.

index {number}
The index to lookup.
returns {string}
The value.


Gets the value of the repeated_sint32 field at the index given.

index {number}
The index to lookup.
returns {?number}
The value.


Gets the value of the repeated_sint32 field at the index given or the default value if not set.

index {number}
The index to lookup.
returns {number}
The value.


Gets the value of the repeated_sint64 field at the index given.

index {number}
The index to lookup.
returns {?string}
The value.


Gets the value of the repeated_sint64 field at the index given or the default value if not set.

index {number}
The index to lookup.
returns {string}
The value.


Gets the value of the repeated_string field at the index given.

index {number}
The index to lookup.
returns {?string}
The value.


Gets the value of the repeated_string field at the index given or the default value if not set.

index {number}
The index to lookup.
returns {string}
The value.


Gets the value of the repeated_uint32 field at the index given.

index {number}
The index to lookup.
returns {?number}
The value.


Gets the value of the repeated_uint32 field at the index given or the default value if not set.

index {number}
The index to lookup.
returns {number}
The value.


Gets the value of the repeated_uint64 field at the index given.

index {number}
The index to lookup.
returns {?string}
The value.


Gets the value of the repeated_uint64 field at the index given or the default value if not set.

index {number}
The index to lookup.
returns {string}
The value.


Gets the value of the repeatedgroup field at the index given.

index {number}
The index to lookup.
returns {proto2.TestAllTypes.RepeatedGroup}
The value.


Gets the value of the repeatedgroup field at the index given or the default value if not set.

index {number}
The index to lookup.
returns {!proto2.TestAllTypes.RepeatedGroup}
The value.


Inherited from goog.proto2.Message .

Returns whether there is a value stored at the field specified by the given field descriptor.

field {goog.proto2.FieldDescriptor}
The field for which to check if there is a value.
returns {boolean}
True if a value was found.


Inherited from goog.proto2.Message .

Returns the whether or not the field indicated by the given tag has a value. GENERATED CODE USE ONLY. Basis of the has{Field} methods.

tag {number}
The tag.
returns {boolean}
Whether the message has a value for the field.


returns {boolean}
Whether the optional_bool field has a value.


returns {boolean}
Whether the optional_bytes field has a value.


returns {boolean}
Whether the optional_double field has a value.


returns {boolean}
Whether the optional_fixed32 field has a value.


returns {boolean}
Whether the optional_fixed64 field has a value.


returns {boolean}
Whether the optional_float field has a value.


returns {boolean}
Whether the optional_int32 field has a value.


returns {boolean}
Whether the optional_int64 field has a value.


returns {boolean}
Whether the optional_int64_number field has a value.


returns {boolean}
Whether the optional_int64_string field has a value.


returns {boolean}
Whether the optional_nested_enum field has a value.


returns {boolean}
Whether the optional_nested_message field has a value.


returns {boolean}
Whether the optional_sfixed32 field has a value.


returns {boolean}
Whether the optional_sfixed64 field has a value.


returns {boolean}
Whether the optional_sint32 field has a value.


returns {boolean}
Whether the optional_sint64 field has a value.


returns {boolean}
Whether the optional_string field has a value.


returns {boolean}
Whether the optional_uint32 field has a value.


returns {boolean}
Whether the optional_uint64 field has a value.


returns {boolean}
Whether the optionalgroup field has a value.


returns {boolean}
Whether the repeated_bool field has a value.


returns {boolean}
Whether the repeated_bytes field has a value.


returns {boolean}
Whether the repeated_double field has a value.


returns {boolean}
Whether the repeated_fixed32 field has a value.


returns {boolean}
Whether the repeated_fixed64 field has a value.


returns {boolean}
Whether the repeated_float field has a value.


returns {boolean}
Whether the repeated_int32 field has a value.


returns {boolean}
Whether the repeated_int64 field has a value.


returns {boolean}
Whether the repeated_int64_number field has a value.


returns {boolean}
Whether the repeated_int64_string field has a value.


returns {boolean}
Whether the repeated_nested_enum field has a value.


returns {boolean}
Whether the repeated_nested_message field has a value.


returns {boolean}
Whether the repeated_sfixed32 field has a value.


returns {boolean}
Whether the repeated_sfixed64 field has a value.


returns {boolean}
Whether the repeated_sint32 field has a value.


returns {boolean}
Whether the repeated_sint64 field has a value.


returns {boolean}
Whether the repeated_string field has a value.


returns {boolean}
Whether the repeated_uint32 field has a value.


returns {boolean}
Whether the repeated_uint64 field has a value.


returns {boolean}
Whether the repeatedgroup field has a value.


Inherited from goog.proto2.Message .

Fills in the protocol buffer with default values. Any fields that are already set will not be overridden.

simpleFieldsToo {boolean}
If true, all fields will be initialized; if false, only the nested messages and groups.

.initializeForLazyDeserializer(deserializer, data)

Inherited from goog.proto2.Message .

Initializes the message with a lazy deserializer and its associated data. This method should be called by internal methods ONLY.

deserializer {goog.proto2.LazyDeserializer}
The lazy deserializer to use to decode the data on the fly.
data {*}
The data to decode/deserialize.


Inherited from goog.proto2.Message .

Merges the given message into this message. Singular fields will be overwritten, except for embedded messages which will be merged. Repeated fields will be concatenated.

message {!goog.proto2.Message}
The source message.


returns {number}
The number of values in the optional_bool field.


returns {number}
The number of values in the optional_bytes field.


returns {number}
The number of values in the optional_double field.


returns {number}
The number of values in the optional_fixed32 field.


returns {number}
The number of values in the optional_fixed64 field.


returns {number}
The number of values in the optional_float field.


returns {number}
The number of values in the optional_int32 field.


returns {number}
The number of values in the optional_int64 field.


returns {number}
The number of values in the optional_int64_number field.


returns {number}
The number of values in the optional_int64_string field.


returns {number}
The number of values in the optional_nested_enum field.


returns {number}
The number of values in the optional_nested_message field.


returns {number}
The number of values in the optional_sfixed32 field.


returns {number}
The number of values in the optional_sfixed64 field.


returns {number}
The number of values in the optional_sint32 field.


returns {number}
The number of values in the optional_sint64 field.


returns {number}
The number of values in the optional_string field.


returns {number}
The number of values in the optional_uint32 field.


returns {number}
The number of values in the optional_uint64 field.


returns {number}
The number of values in the optionalgroup field.


Returns the array of values in the repeated_bool field.

returns {!Array.<boolean>}
The values in the field.


returns {number}
The number of values in the repeated_bool field.


Returns the array of values in the repeated_bytes field.

returns {!Array.<string>}
The values in the field.


returns {number}
The number of values in the repeated_bytes field.


Returns the array of values in the repeated_double field.

returns {!Array.<number>}
The values in the field.


returns {number}
The number of values in the repeated_double field.


Returns the array of values in the repeated_fixed32 field.

returns {!Array.<number>}
The values in the field.


returns {number}
The number of values in the repeated_fixed32 field.


Returns the array of values in the repeated_fixed64 field.

returns {!Array.<string>}
The values in the field.


returns {number}
The number of values in the repeated_fixed64 field.


Returns the array of values in the repeated_float field.

returns {!Array.<number>}
The values in the field.


returns {number}
The number of values in the repeated_float field.


Returns the array of values in the repeated_int32 field.

returns {!Array.<number>}
The values in the field.


returns {number}
The number of values in the repeated_int32 field.


Returns the array of values in the repeated_int64 field.

returns {!Array.<string>}
The values in the field.


returns {number}
The number of values in the repeated_int64 field.


Returns the array of values in the repeated_int64_number field.

returns {!Array.<number>}
The values in the field.


returns {number}
The number of values in the repeated_int64_number field.


Returns the array of values in the repeated_int64_string field.

returns {!Array.<string>}
The values in the field.


returns {number}
The number of values in the repeated_int64_string field.


Returns the array of values in the repeated_nested_enum field.

returns {!Array.<proto2.TestAllTypes.NestedEnum>}
The values in the field.


returns {number}
The number of values in the repeated_nested_enum field.


Returns the array of values in the repeated_nested_message field.

returns {!Array.<!proto2.TestAllTypes.NestedMessage>}
The values in the field.


returns {number}
The number of values in the repeated_nested_message field.


Returns the array of values in the repeated_sfixed32 field.

returns {!Array.<number>}
The values in the field.


returns {number}
The number of values in the repeated_sfixed32 field.


Returns the array of values in the repeated_sfixed64 field.

returns {!Array.<string>}
The values in the field.


returns {number}
The number of values in the repeated_sfixed64 field.


Returns the array of values in the repeated_sint32 field.

returns {!Array.<number>}
The values in the field.


returns {number}
The number of values in the repeated_sint32 field.


Returns the array of values in the repeated_sint64 field.

returns {!Array.<string>}
The values in the field.


returns {number}
The number of values in the repeated_sint64 field.


Returns the array of values in the repeated_string field.

returns {!Array.<string>}
The values in the field.


returns {number}
The number of values in the repeated_string field.


Returns the array of values in the repeated_uint32 field.

returns {!Array.<number>}
The values in the field.


returns {number}
The number of values in the repeated_uint32 field.


Returns the array of values in the repeated_uint64 field.

returns {!Array.<string>}
The values in the field.


returns {number}
The number of values in the repeated_uint64 field.


Returns the array of values in the repeatedgroup field.

returns {!Array.<!proto2.TestAllTypes.RepeatedGroup>}
The values in the field.


returns {number}
The number of values in the repeatedgroup field.

.set(field, value)

Inherited from goog.proto2.Message .

Stores the given value to the field specified by the given field descriptor. Note that the field must not be repeated.

field {goog.proto2.FieldDescriptor}
The field for which to set the value.
value {*}
The new value for the field.


Sets the value of the optional_bool field.

value {boolean}
The value.


Sets the value of the optional_bytes field.

value {string}
The value.


Sets the value of the optional_double field.

value {number}
The value.


Sets the value of the optional_fixed32 field.

value {number}
The value.


Sets the value of the optional_fixed64 field.

value {string}
The value.


Sets the value of the optional_float field.

value {number}
The value.


Sets the value of the optional_int32 field.

value {number}
The value.


Sets the value of the optional_int64 field.

value {string}
The value.


Sets the value of the optional_int64_number field.

value {number}
The value.


Sets the value of the optional_int64_string field.

value {string}
The value.


Sets the value of the optional_nested_enum field.

value {proto2.TestAllTypes.NestedEnum}
The value.


Sets the value of the optional_nested_message field.

value {!proto2.TestAllTypes.NestedMessage}
The value.


Sets the value of the optional_sfixed32 field.

value {number}
The value.


Sets the value of the optional_sfixed64 field.

value {string}
The value.


Sets the value of the optional_sint32 field.

value {number}
The value.


Sets the value of the optional_sint64 field.

value {string}
The value.


Sets the value of the optional_string field.

value {string}
The value.


Sets the value of the optional_uint32 field.

value {number}
The value.


Sets the value of the optional_uint64 field.

value {string}
The value.


Sets the value of the optionalgroup field.

value {!proto2.TestAllTypes.OptionalGroup}
The value.

.setUnknown(tag, value)

Inherited from goog.proto2.Message .

Sets the value of an unknown field, by tag.

tag {number}
The tag of an unknown field (must be >= 1).
value {*}
The value for that unknown field.